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Relationships Are The Next Big ThingViews: 265
May 24, 2006 6:57 pmRelationships Are The Next Big Thing#

LaTease Rikard
Here is an article I just wrote. It is based upon networking to create long lasting substantial business relationships to generate incomes for any home based business. Enjoy!


I had a very interesting conversation last night with another business associate. One thing you will find out about me is that I surround myself with success. You have to. It’s the only way to get yourself to the next level.

Anyhoo, I was talking to him because he is successful, he currently markets 2-3 legitimate home based business opportunities that are bringing him in a cool six - seven figure income yearly.

Because you and I both hear claims like this all of the time, I had to question him in depth about his methods. But most importantly, while on that phone conversation, I listened.

My friend Bill is not looking for acceptance from other marketers, so you probably will not see his picture on websites screaming some outlandish offer at you.

Matter of fact, if I told you his real name, you probably would not know him unless you are one of the millions who belong to his mailing list. When he told me this I was all ears. He had a mailing list of over 1 million! Wow! My obvious question was HOW!? Please tell me!

As you can tell, I was a little excited when Bill revealed his secret to me.

This young retiree offered a different theory on network marketing. One that did not rely upon ‘selling’ per se. Bill’s approach was one of bringing a strong, driven community of professionals together to create a powerhouse of income and resources.

According to Bill,

“There are ways to make money with a home based business that people don’t see. One way is Reverse Marketing, it’s time consuming, but it works.”

Another more time efficient and simple way is by networking and building relationships. Building relationships through the social networks of the internet is the only way to build a true income with a successful home based business.

Think of it as a huge convention on steroids. These social networks exist because the internet is such a cold place to conduct business. There is no eye contact, no handshake. Just click, click, payment confirmation and possibly a thank you. The customer is done, and you have made another sale. The customer is left with a “is that it?” feeling.

People still want some morsel of customer service; they still want to know a human is somewhere on the other side of that machine running this business. They still want the warm fuzzy’s when they make a business transaction that lets them know their hard earned money was spent wisely. That’s where you come in.

Your customers rely on you to answer questions about the products you have them promoting as a list member. Keep in mind they trusted you with their money so you, in a since, owe them something, professionalism and reliability.

Social networking is the next big thing on the internet, if you believe in “the next big thing.” I happen to believe that any good business relationship starts off with solid, clear communication. You have to talk to your potential prospects and earn their trust. I don’t spend my money with those I don’t trust, do you?

Relationship building is one way to do it. Just be yourself, and let your expertise flow from your lips because nobody else knows your product like you do.

If you focus on building a relationship with a person each time you receive a contact or submission form from a prospect, you will have that person around a lot longer. Their level of respect for you will grow and they will in turn help your list grow exponentially. It will become viral, and no selling was ever involved.

Find out how powerful relationship building can be to your home based business. Check out the 3 minute teleconference call which could very well change the way you market your business. Here is the number ------212-461-8998.

I believe you will be very pleased with this marketing tactic. It is easy, does not involve a high level of stress, and works while you do other more important things. Isn’t that why you decided to get a home based business?

LaTease Rikard

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